Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I mentioned in the last post that the boys were going on a 2 day camping adventure, but came back less than 24 hours later, with no sleep of course, (who CAN sleep when they go camping) I heard all about their adventure, they had to come home to sleep! First, they got there later than expected, I was texting them to see how they were doing and they were to tired to start a fire HA! (it's the growing 6 inches at a time, that requires teenagers to sleep A LOT! Anyway, as I thought, I saved these boys from starving to death, by sending Shasta's homemade cookies! They told me that's all they ate, see mom's do know best! Now, I know this isn't the healthiest, but it saved them from eating bark! Anyway, because there were so many thorns where they picked to camp, they had to "climb up this mountain" and of course jump across this big rock, with all their camping gear (way dangerous!), this must have made them so tired, they only had enough energy to set up camp.They were to tired to make the fire, to cook their hot dogs! (was to much work to find the wood!) Sounds like one of them guys fishing story, doesn't it! So, anyway, they had parked the White Durango, and while they were at their camp someone decided they would throw a bunch of huge mud balls, all over it! Well, when they discovered this, they were going to prepare for "Battle", until Dakota's parents said it was best to come home, well that saved the "Battle" from happening, because they wanted to find out who did this! On, the way home Nathan fell asleep, and Dakota was dozing so he did the right thing and pulled over to take a snooze, 10 minutes into it a Sheriff decided they shouldn't be sleeping, to go home, (He wasn't very polite apparently, it is too bad, they weren't doing anything illegal, we need adults to praise our kids when they do the right thing! We have traveled a lot and have had to make the same decisions before. Falling asleep at the wheel and seriously injuring, or worse, themselves or someone else, would have obviously been the wrong thing! Wonder what that Sheriff would have said if it were HIS boys? It was like he couldn't catch them doing anything wrong so apparently being rude was the answer?? The other Big Adventure to their story, was they were by a creek or river ( it has been 60's and 70's today, but only for 2 days, so creeks and rivers ARE NOT WARM!) but because it seemed like a cool thing (Definitely A GUY IDEA!) they walked on the log and then, jumped in and swam to the shore? What?!! Does this sound like a fun thing to you? I would have explored the flowers or tried to skip rocks,read a book by the creek, or ANYTHING other than try to experience FREEZING COLD WATER! I better re-read "Wild at Heart!" They really enjoyed telling me this story, like that was the best part of their ADVENTURE! I love listening to their stories, they really are fascinating! So, they came home and slept their less than 24 hour "ADVENTURE OFF!"
I did ask them if they were upset with me for sharing on this blog, their secret about why they ended up in the dance class, and they replied: "No, they are pretty sure, "the girls" already know this! They are so funny! The last thing they told me was, they want me to put "THEIR PHONE NUMBERS ON THE BLOG! I WON'T BE DOING THAT! They are hilarious, they thought it would get some GIRLS calling them!!!!
I love their stories, am not sure, if I get all of the stories and probably more of some stories! This concludes the ADVENTURE of the BIG CAMPING TRIP!
I am blessed and love them both!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Over the past week I have talked to a couple of people who are concerned about their children and grandchildren, both concerning ADD. Shasta, our oldest daughter takes care of a seven year old, autistic boy, that is just adorable! I am so proud of her! I know it isn't easy because he has aggression issues,and is on a ton of medications, you know how I feel about this, check posting below! He is a tough little guy but tender too, he weighs more than her! Sure, she is thin, and will be nineteen this month, but he is only 7 (didn't realize he is 7 now)! He tends to take his aggressions out on her and she gets a little beat up, has bruises, but she amazes me how well she handles him, and understands his disorder. This makes me really sad, to see so many small children suffering with this. We know two other children, who also have autism. So, considering my conversations with my friends and Shasta's little guy, I don't think it is a coincident that I found these websites: and
I was going to just send it to my friends through email, but I felt it could benefit all who maybe seeking answers to some of the difficult challenges they maybe experiencing! There are many people suffering from this. The Sound Therapy Systems website also has information on how to help ADD and ADHD! Honestly, when I found and heard the testimony of Awakening Ashley, it was nothing shy of MIRACLE to me! Go to the website and check it out, you may know someone it could help or even cure,(their family feels it cured, have to have a disclaimer of saying cure, it might offend someone, amazing!!) their autism, like it did for Ashley! I pray this will help someone, who is seeking! Please share your comments if you or anyone else receives any benefits from this! I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!
God Bless,
Live Life Inspired, Live Life Free, and Full of Love!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I have became very interested in Holistic Healing, Natural, Nutrition, and different Healing Modalities because of my own experience of becoming extremely ill over the last 4 years. I was diagnosed and treated for Graves disease, (Hyper Thyroid). As I look back it was even before then my body was providing signs to something going wrong,(a few years before I had a gallbladder attack and had that removed) and although I was getting regular check ups and asking the questions, it wasn't taken seriously, to dig to find the root cause. More symptoms surfaced and my health began to rapidly deteriorate. This was the beginning of the rose colored glasses being not just broken and shattered, they were crushed! It appeared, the right things were being taken care of but what I discovered was conventional medicine is not interested in the root cause, the cure, or total restoration, they only diagnose and treat the symptoms and PRESCRIBE MANY LEGALIZED DRUGS! How did I miss this my whole life?!! This makes no sense to me! I am not one to take medication, I would rather find the healthy natural route! This was a huge disappointment and needless to say a huge eye opener! I felt I was being deceived, paying thousands of dollars for testing, that brought zero results to my wellness, and not one doctor seemed to care to find the solution, with the exception of some friends, that are Doctors in Wisconsin that was a huge blessing to me! But because of the distance it wasn't feasible to travel that far. I am forever grateful for their free help, advise and concern! What is frightening, is that millions of people are paying billions of dollars to be treated and there is more cancer, heart disease, obesity, auto-immune disease, stroke, ADD, ADHD,Autism, and many more, and the most disturbing is the number of people dieing from taking their prescription drugs (AS PRESCRIBED!), than ever before in history! Nothing can be solved without finding the Root Cause!! I don't believe the answer is more drugs, it is common sense that if you put legal or illegal foreign substances into your body, it will eventually, cause many ill effects( just check out the side-effects) and even death! I was amazed to discover the amount of chemicals added to our foods! Check out what is most advertised; "Prescription Drugs and Food (shocking how much chemicals in our food)!" I am not against doctors, or the health care, and definitely not against Food! "In view of this, I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both before God and before men (ACTS 24:16).
But why do you suppose anyone doing business would leave out, what to me is the most important information, for the paying consumer? Why wouldn't anyone share the information that would help others make better informed choices? I would feel more informed and more willing to buy from those who are honest, wouldn't you? What is so hard about sharing the truth? I read in a book recently, "The worst lie you can tell, is the lie you tell yourself'." Why do you think some information is kept from others?! Get the facts. My rule of thumb is, if there is hidden information, in anything you are dealing with and those with the answers will not give you an honest answer, for me, then it is time to disregard it! Ask questions, from those who give honest answers and learn more about what "they say you need". God gave you a sound mind! I am a "Why" person! It doesn't take a genius to figure out when someone is trying to sell for their benefit, we all know this! It always goes back to the "Golden Rule"! Just a thought! You might say, they are sharing the harmful side-effects, but we all know the masses believe and trust those promoting and prescribing and "This they know, this is their business, to know what sells!" EDUCATE YOURSELF! Seems like there is so much more hidden, that I am discovering, rather than just being honest and doing the right thing. Hmm.. seems to be a mystery, NOT! Another huge lesson! The key is to learn and educate yourself, ask questions and find credible sources you can trust! Their are people who really care! I believe there is many professionals and proven natural methods that actually get the results we are looking for! There are a lot of good and honest people in business and the world who pour their heart in soul into doing the right thing, that is who I look for! It is absolutely amazing to me how much knowledge and proven methods that there are that bring remarkable results! God gave us everything we needed to sustain, healthy long lives, with the food He provided here on earth! It starts here: "You Are What You Eat", scary for most of us, I know! Watch this informative video, FOOD MATTERS!
I also believe there is a lot of unnecessary deaths, and that to me is an outrage! For example, my mom came to visit me last year and I had to take her to two different Emergency rooms, where she almost died due to the Prescription drugs that was given to her by her Doctor! All 3 specialists told us it was because of the medication!Now, WHY WOULD HER DOCTOR GIVE HER SOMETHING THAT IS GOING TO KILL HER? These 3 Doctors knew it! She spent 3 days in the Hospital and was immediately taken off the medication because it caused internal bleeding!! Why?!! What if it were your mom?Can't imagine why I get so passionate about the truth!!! Unbelievable! Maybe some of it is pride but more telling is the amount of money generated through prescriptions, testing, and the whole gamut of charges related to every ill person who is seeking better health or trying to stay alive! Hmm.. ISN'T IT ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY?! Do we really need billions of dollars worth of Drug Ads? I could think of some amazing charities that could be blessed with all this money! Do you think if money was taken out of the equation, the processes would be the same?! Not against business making money, but isn't it "FIRST DO NO HARM?" I think all would agree, if it would cure, heal, and get the results we all are looking for, it would then be worth it! Since, I began to study and research, to find answers to my own wellness,( to prevent my death, yes it was that immobilizing) I had numerous serious symptoms and sleeping about 18 hours per day. Thank God for my Amazing Husband and children that did what-ever it took to hold everything together, when I couldn't!!! It was definitely a challenge and I know they all feared, I wouldn't make it! My youngest daughter still gets really emotional, and will tell me she doesn't want me to die! I do not fear, my time is in the hands of God, but I wondered, at times, due to the lack of quality of life I had during this time if it wasn't the end for me. God built me to be high energy, and put in my heart to love and serve people, and I questioned, how will I serve others if I cannot stay awake to take care of myself and my family, let alone others! How could I serve my purpose? I would get fatigued from taking a shower and would have to lay down and wake up four hours later! I saw 6 different doctors and thousands of dollars worth of tests to tell me there was nothing wrong!!! Anyone in there right mind, knows THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! So, I began to search for the truth and through this experience I have acquired a deep desire and have tremendous compassion to help others heal, mind, body, and soul, they all work together! One of the biggest lessons I learned through this event; "Balance",(whole other story!) ( BIG LESSON!) Conventional Medicine, to put it mildly, was a dead end! It became extremely frustrating to never get any answers, and after thousands of dollars in tests, to this day, I haven't gotten any answers, from the medical doctors about what caused me to become so ill. I have made many changes to help myself and am determined to find the solutions! I have ready many books, searched the Internet (what a awesome tool!) and have seen and talked to people I have trusted and found out some real truths. Interesting, some of what I have done, and found to improve my health, my doctors, that I was paying!! Didn't try or even suggest! I am still on my journey, and I don't know what God's Plan for me is through this process, but He does nothing in vain, and I am sure it will unfold. There are no coincidences, and if it is like any of the other adversities that I have experience, and the lessons learned from them, it will be revealed over time, and I always know it is for God's greater good to serve others for His purpose!
One of the things I have found to help on my journey to wellness, is: MONAVIE AN AMAZING PRODUCT, Comprised of 19 fruits from around the world including the Acai Berry, from the Amazon Rain Forest! Research it and find the Value for yourself! Nutritionally it is amazing and produces the Health and Wellness I was looking for! I noticed immediate results within the first 3 days of drinking it! If you have suffered, are frustrated and are seeking answers to your Health concerns, like I am, you definitely want to check it out on the link above. I love the Story of MonaVie, but my favorite part is THE MORE PROJECT, it's no wonder why it is a billion dollar Company!!!
Its nutritional value is not surprising to me since God is the one who created it!
I am forever grateful for what I am learning, all the love and support from friends and family who cared! All the flowers, cards, concerns and love, THANK YOU ALL! I am so grateful for the Mona Vie Product and Company, which has helped our family through some tough times! I received so many blessings and lessons through my darkest trials of being ill. I am grateful for my loving Husband John and children who lived through it daily, and were my saving grace during this time! Most of all, God has given me life, lessons, and drew me even closer to Him! I am looking forward to seeing what this journey will reveal and how I may help others!
I wish you all Health and Wellness in 2009!
Live Life Inspired, Live Life Free, and Full of Love!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My Mom is my living Angel! She has been and is still the most Influential person in my Life! She is and has always been my example of:
{Galatians 5:22-23}
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
Sierra Sue..Everyone calls her Sue "My Mom" is the most;
Humble,Understanding, Compassionate, Loving, Giving, Encouraging, soul on the planet! I have never met to date anyone as Non-self serving and Unselfish as my mom! Her energy is, Alive and Amazing! She has suffered much in her life and never once have I seen her feel sorry for herself! It has been in these times of deepest sorrow and the toughest times of our lives that I have learned my greatest lessons from her! It would take me to write a book to share with you all the lessons I have learned from my mom, and her example, and maybe, God willing, I will ! There is no other word for her than an "Angel"! God is truly AWESOME AND AMAZING, He knew before I was born that I would need a Mom exactly like her! Words cannot express, my Gratitude and Love that I feel for my Mom. There isn't anyone on the planet that I have witnessed God's Spirit work through to teach me the truth about many things, especially Unconditional Love, Transparency, Humility,and Genuineness, than my Mom! She has touched and continues to touch me and others in such an astounding way, you will never leave her presence, in any way but blessed, she makes everyone feel loved, better and uplifted about themselves!! She is a Difference Maker, she may not be "famous" in a worldly sense but definitely has created a ripple effect, and the world has been forever changed, by her Love for Everyone that crosses her path!!! I am having a hard time trying to find words to explain, how incredible she really is!
She was born in Logan, West Virginia, and grew up in Bristol Virginia in the 40's and 50's until her Mom, Dad, and other siblings, (I think there were only 6 children at that time , the other 3 came along after the move, 9 total children) moved to Illinois where she completed and graduated early from High School. Her whole family has high IQ's, and even higher EI's ( emotional intelligence) not something I inherited, Ha! They are all intelligent, but their greatest asset is Love! They are the most humble, grounded people, with phenomenal sense of humors! She comes from the south, where the most loving, caring, people I have met in the world are from! There is nothing like the "southern hospitality" and " southern cookin", anywhere in the world!" My Mom, Shasta, and I took a trip last year to see my Aunt Dee Dee and Uncle Jr. in Virginia, ( I thank God that we went, because my uncle recently passed away and it meant the world to us to spend time with him and my aunt, I love and miss him greatly, they were always huge gardeners and my uncle would let me pick my own watermelon, just for me to eat all by myself!) but every morning we had Homemade biscuits and sausage gravy!! Yes, Homemade, Every morning! The memories that I have spending the night and helping them in the garden are forever with me! I loved picking and snapping green beans for them! They canned everything, and worked hard taking care of their 6 children and loving, everyone! I love my aunt, she is so sweet, with her southern accent, and I love to hear her call me "sugar"! They both are the most loving, and humble people, you will ever meet! I love you Aunt DEE DEE! Everyone of my mom's brothers and sisters are incredible cooks! I know they learned from their Mom and Dad, they both were incredible cooks, too! It wasn't unusual for my Grandma to have a full turkey dinner like at Thanksgiving, for one of the weekly meals!!! Everything is made from scratch and nothing goes to waste, it may go to your Waist, Ha! "the cookin" but nothing gets wasted!
I believe growing up poor financially with a family of 11 teaches you more about the important things in life, than all books combined! I believe they stay Humble because my mom told me recently when we were talking about some issues that in the south growing up they would teach their children from a young age to "Never Forget Your Raisin" (no not the raisin you eat, The way you were brought up, for those who didn't take "Southern Language" as an second language, HA!")My mom was teaching me another valuable lesson!! Always remember where you came from and who made you! If you forget, You will loose your Humility, which leads to the "Pride Before the Fall", She Amazes me the way she teaches through life experiences, this is the way she would teach all of us kids!! Nothing replaces experience! My brothers and I have been tremendously blessed by my mom's experiences, wisdom and love! We also, have been blessed by all of our aunts, uncles and cousins!
Even though her family grew up poor financially, they were wealthy beyond measure with work ethic, experiences, humility, intelligence, character, integrity, humor, and especially love! I have yet to meet a family that sticks together, serves and loves each other like my Mom's family! In all the families I have met in my lifetime, there is not one yet, that even comes close. What a tremendous example that I have been blessed to experience my whole life! They never speak ill of each other and will be there for each other, always! I have never seen any of them fight or argue with each other. It is like right out of a fairy tale. None of them are perfect, they just love each other perfectly!
For example, I mentioned my Uncle Jr. just recently passing away, and my mom drove 800 miles (one way!) by herself to stay with her sister for a month to help her with all she needed emotionally, and all the other needs that have to be taken care of after you loose someone you love. Then my mom's other sister left her vacation to come to my Aunt's to help where my mom left off and to stay for 3 weeks with her! Then I think my uncle is coming next! The love they show by their service is Unbelievable!!! This example, of loving and helping others in need was a common occurrence through-out my life! I remember a friend of my mom's families house burnt down, and immediately, my mom got a hold of all of her sisters, they pulled together to help out with all this families needs! There are so many of these experiences, that I witnessed and was involved in because of my My Mom's HEART is GINORMOUS!! Another, time the neighbor went into the hospital for surgery and she made meals and took to them and their 4 kids! This is such a common practice with my mom, there is no-one in need that she doesn't act on to make their lives better, it was just apart of our lives, by her example, we learned "Charity" in all forms! Unconditional Giving is synonymous to my Mom! I have been Unbelievably blessed through her example! Every time I talk to her she is doing something for someone, that is sick or hurting! She is Unbelievable and an Inspiration to All! She taught the most important things in life, not by telling us, it was by Showing us! How powerful!
There is no-one better for understanding what someone goes through when they loose someone they love than my mom!
My mom was left a widow at the age of 25, with 3 children ages 3, 4, and 6. She would have had 4 children, 3,4,5,6 but my sister died on my mom's birthday; she lived less than a day. Like that wasn't enough sorrow. My dad was killed in a car wreck, which left my mom to raise me and my 2 brothers, alone. Although we were surrounded by love from both sides of the family, my mom was left with then, the responsibility of raising her children by herself. I don't remember how my mom suffered through this (I was only 3) and couldn't even begin to explain how difficult this must have been for my mom, only those that have experienced the loss of their spouse, truly know. She later met and married my dad now, who is also a blessing in our lives and is the most generous man I know! They, then had my little brother, Scotty. My Mom, has an incredible zest, enthusiasm and love for life, her family, and people, that would amaze you, I mean AMAZE, you !! She doesn't allow anyone or herself to feel sorry for her, it's because she has a deep spiritual understanding of the truth!
She knows no stranger, she views everyone as family, the moment you meet her, you feel like you have known her your whole life! One of the things that truly amazes me about my mom, is her people skills! She loves and values all. She applies everything I've read in books, and more, NATURALLY, it is Astounding. Her uncanny ability to pick up on someones real issue is totally amazing to me!! She used to service 1000 clients, herself, in the insurance business, and would know all these people and their policies most of the time without opening their files, Not Kidding, I have never seen anyone remember everything that was important to them, like their children's names, what they did, where they lived! Unbelievable! Everywhere I went with her she would know someone! I would be in total amazement, everyone became her family and friend! She was "teaching me again" when she shared with me about a client, that came into her office very disgruntle about something to do with insurance, Mom listened carefully to her, and before she left, this person was crying telling my mom about some real serious issues that had nothing to do with insurance, and I know this person felt better after she left, because that is what my mom does best! It is her natural ability to help other hurting people, by caring for them and wanting to help, truly AMAZING, another lessened learned!
Right before my little brother was born, my mom lost her dad (my grandpa), which was my first experience with a military funeral, it was beyond description of the emotions I felt listening to the guns and "taps" that were played. At this point I was old enough to witness, the strength of my mom, and her perspective, in another moment of great sadness, losing her father. She is an amazing rock, and deeply understands life and death! Four years later, she lost my middle brother, Todd in a car wreck, whom we all miss dearly, he was 15 yrs old, a sophomore in High School. I remember the principle of the high school, let the entire school out with an excused absent for all to come to my brothers funeral. My brothers both were in the same grade and had a lot of friends. I already knew my mom was amazing, but this became a whole other level of understanding for me at how unbelievable she is!!! She and my Dad stood for hours at the funeral home, consoling all of these High School kids, adults, my brothers and I! It was pure love in motion, words cannot describe, what strength and love of God that poured out of my mom and dad, serving others, when it was her son, that she lost!!!! It was one of the truest and most powerful moments of my young life, (I was 13), a very spiritual lesson being revealed to me through my mom and dad that day, I started really getting it. That through giving of yourself, and serving others, you serve and honor God. It is the highest form of spirituality in life! It is where you truly honor and glorify God! My mom would always tell me that the time to cry is at a birth and death is a celebration! She never mocks anything, SHE LIVES IT! Through giving of yourself, even in the times of your deepest sorrow and pain, you heal yourself! I felt incredibly enlightened, and my mom became more than a hero to me that day! She never lost her, zest, enthusiasm and love for life, serving her family, friends and people, there is no other way to describe her but as an "ANGEL," she is the most inspiring human being I have ever met!
A few years later we found ourselves again, at another funeral, this time (my uncle Bill's what an incredible brilliant and loving man!), my mom's brother. He had served in the armed forces, and was honored with a military burial too, words cannot describe, but it is one of the most moving, deepest feeling of sadness and respect, when the guns are shot off and they play the "taps", the same feelings I had at my grandpa's, military funeral. I witnessed my mom's servant love in action again, repeating and reminding me that no matter how deep the sadness, you continue to love and serve! She is AMAZING!
This seems unbelievable, I know, but tragedy, hit our lives again, when my youngest brother Scotty, was killed in a motorcycle accident in 1995. It does make a person wonder how so much tragedy can hit one family, but we don't have all those answers, there are some things only God knows. Put our trust there! My Mom and Dad once again showed their amazing love and strength to my brother, Mark and I during this time of Great Sadness. We all love Scotty, and miss him greatly! I definitely need to write a book! It is true, we have all had immense pain and suffering, and have felt like "Job", but my brother Mark and I have had the greatest examples of Love, Strength, and Faith, (my Angels, our Mom and Dad)! There is no-one else in all the world, that has given us, the most valuable examples to live by! I miss my brothers, grandparents, uncles, cousins and all the friends we have lost here, and many more that followed even my little brother, Scotty's death. We had 3 sets of grandparents that have all passed away, had 2 cousins pass away since, one was 14 months old and the 15 years old, my brothers best friend, committed suicide. We have experienced, it seems every kind of loss, but yet we all feel blessed, it is all part of our journey and a part of God's plan and only He knows all, and what is best for our lives. My Mom could have climbed in a hole, and forgot about others, but she is the BEST example of someone who has choose to Make the world a better place in spite of what happens!!!We miss them all deeply, but I am Grateful for the time we had with them, and it has made us who we are. I will never loose my faith in God, I may not understand a lot of things, but this I know; There is Faith, Hope, and Love, and the Greatest of these is Love, because of my Mom's INCREDIBLE EXAMPLE! I have never seen my Mom claim the "victim", she has taught me that by example! If anyone would, you might think, she would cave in, but not my mom! Playing victim, is not something she has a lot of tolerance for!I have had many people through out my life ask me "How does your Mom Do It?" I cannot answer that, I only have the example, of her truth by the way she lives! There isn't anyone that holds a candle to her! She is the brightest light, that shines on everyone, everywhere she goes! These events have taught me another lesson, that the things of the world carry no weight, it is how much you love and our loved, and your service to others for God's glory, while your are here that matters, your treasures in heaven, eternity, is what to focus on! So, don't waist your time chasing vain things or worrying about things you think you need to control, God takes care of all that! You are fooling yourself, if you think you control people or things!
My Mom has taught and displayed values and morals that will last with me my lifetime!
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. {Proverbs 22:6}
There is not much that disturbs my mom more, and I know she detests; and that is Hypocrisy, especially if you use God.
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. {Matthew 23:27}
I have learned many valuable lessons from my Mom, and as I said before it would take a book to share them. I love it that God knows exactly what we will need before we were even born. I will Love, Honor and Cherish my Mom and all she has taught me all the days of my life! She is the brightest light of love, I know, and am so Thankful, God picked her to be my MOM! Thank You for never losing your zest, enthusiasm, and love for Life! Thank You for always loving me, even when I was unlovable! Thank You for Teaching me by example, and living what you teach! Thank you for believing in me and teaching me to trust my inner voice!! Thank You for sacrificing your wants to Be the example for us! You have been my greatest teacher of Truth and Love!
I Love you with all my Heart, Mom! Thank You, for all you have given and taught me! I will forever be Grateful to you! Thank You for being an incredible Grandma as You have been an incredible Mom and Mom-in-Law to John, he loves you, too! My Hope and Prayer is that I can give back to You, Dad, John, our children, friends and family and to the world all that has been given to me! I will carry your love through this world, and into eternity! Thank you for all the great recipes and being there for me when we needed you most!
My Angel, My Mom, You are the BEST! You have been my Greatest Inspiration! You have Inspired Me, to want to make the world a better place, through Truth and Love! The World is forever altered because of Your Unconditional Love, Acceptance, and Willingness to Give the Best part of You to Everyone!
Live Life Inspired, Live Life Free and Full of Love!!!
I Love You,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
If you haven't made a list of things that you are Grateful for, I HIGHLY recommend doing this, it is important to keeping your thoughts on the BLESSINGS and Good things in life that God blessed you, I and everyone else with!!
There are people that just enrich our lives that can't go without noticing! If they enrich your life then chances are they enrich others lives! I know this to be true about Kat & Motor!
There are times in your life that when you meet someone YOU KNOW, it was destined. All things are controlled by God, for God, and for His purpose! When I met Kat, the connection was undoubtedly a synchronicity moment! I am sure there are a whole world of people that have had these experiences at one time or many times in their lives! All things are meant to be!
This is how it went; I was leaving a room and she was coming in, when we both about ran into each other in a doorway, face to face, and said simultaneously "I KNOW YOU", OH YEA, we know each other, and laughed! The funniest part was Motor hadn't even had a chance to introduce us, that was just the two of us, Ha! I had met Motor briefly a couple times before, ( loved his name, (nickname) figured with a name like that he had to be cool! (they all just have the coolest names) and I know he was thinking I knew this was going to happen, because that was the one thing I remembering him saying "You have to meet my Wife", it took awhile, when the timing was right, we met and it has been magical ever since! It was like straight out of a movie! It was like meeting a long lost sister (you know the stories like two twins that had been separated at birth and find each other later on in life, amazing!) It was like we were brought together at that moment in time for a purpose that has yet to be fully realized! It is very hard to describe this moment, but those of you who have experienced, KNOW! Although, we share many things in common, there is always a freshness, and fun reunion when we talk or see each other.
Watch this video, this describes her spirit the best! She is theatrical, fun, loving and has a Ginormous heart of gold, AND she is Native Hawaiian AND a Masseuse!!!! ( Duh, No wonder why we needed to meet, HA!!) My two favorite things! I could live in a SPA in Hawaii!!!!!!
After watching the video, you now know, how hilarious and fun she is! Seriously, I watched her play one of the main characters in a professional play, and she was INCREDIBLE! Her Creativity just flows! She is definitely one of a kind!
Both Kat & Motor, are incredibly Real, Humble, and Genuine, and both have tremendous talents in many areas! They are the most Selfless Individuals, that Have Ginormous Hearts, and are some of the Biggest Servers, I know! With a Great Sense of Humor to Boot! They inspire me in many ways! You can check out Motor's blog . Motor gives some incite to where he has been. Great landscaping blog, you can learn allot there! They have experienced many things and many cultures, which explains why they are so accepting, and non-judgemental! Their open-mindedness, and unconditional love, will just astound you! Biggy! We need the world to learn from this!!! They are bright lights, and shine in a world that needs, a whole lot of shinning.! All of us needs to work on turning up our "bright" and "shiny" selves! They are huge servers in their church and know the church family is blessed! They have amazing stories and have experienced so many things that most people haven't, when you meet them, you would never guess. I am still trying to get all the stories to come out! They are so selfless, and are always focused on serving others, that it has taken us years just to get a few stories to come out, and they have been AMAZING, the stories, and them too! They are like reading a great adventurous book! The wisdom and the lessons they have learned, is totally incredible to me! For those of you who have been touched by them, already know, there is something magical about them! Those of you who don't know them, I know by now, you want to! Some of you might be thinking no one is that good, I challenge you to get to know them.. you'll see!
Kat is incredibly intuitive, she is an angel to me, and they both know exactly when we need a friend! They have always been there for us! We are truly blessed to have them part of our family, and are so grateful for all of them, including, Sequoya, she is beautiful, like her name, and I love seeing her grow, I can't wait to see her use her talents and gifts, (look out world!) and can't wait to spend time in Hawaii together!! I continue to learn from all of them. Kat is amazing at "Standing in Her Truth," and knows how to give the best of herself to everyone! She said something recently to me, that just resonated deep, she said: " Be careful, when you hang around the monster long enough, you might become one..."( this is just one of the many) She is notorious for sharing some great truths, that sometimes come unexpectedly, and sometimes knocks the wind out of ya! My mom, another angel, would tell me, "Choose wisely; because you become who you run with.., Great Advice Choose your friends wisely, if you get the feeling somethings wrong.. It Probably Is! There is no mistake, in us meeting them! We are thankful, that we have friends like Kat and Motor, and that we have built a lasting, trust together.
I could share so much more about this family, but if I did you would think I was making this up! Did I say they were humble, incredible, selfless, loving, kind, have integrity, are honorable, true to each other and themselves, etc.....NOT KIDDING! and when you get to meet them, you will love them too! We Love, Respect, Cherish, are truly Grateful, and Blessed to know them, and hope you also get a chance to be blessed by them! They will enrich your lives like they continue to enrich ours and the world! So, if you know them, leave a sticky note (comment, I just liked the sticky note!) on how they have Blessed and Enriched your life! WE ARE TRULY GRATEFUL FOR YOU and WE LOVE YOU GUYS!
All of our Love, Keep Shinnig, and lighting up the world!!
Live life Inspired, Live Life Free!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Deserve to be honored!
There is a lot I can say about Brian and Julie (Jules- she really is a Jewel and a "sparkly one to me !) I love Julie for so many reasons, which I intend to share through this posting.
Brian and Julie both are strong in character, and hold the line of Integrity! That in and of itself is worth Honoring and sharing with the world! It is worth catching!
They value their friendships, and have spent years putting effort into them and won't turn their backs on them!! So, if you are friends, with them you can count on that! They are not into pretending, it seems to be a rare trait, and many could learn from them! They are genuine, and sincere and we really value their friendship and love this about them! They are Honest!! Honesty builds trust and without trust, You All Know, there is NOTHING! It is like building a house of cards! Trust is the foundation in every relationship! I believe once lost, it can take years, maybe even a lifetime, and sometimes it is never gained back. It is a unbelievable to me, how much destruction can be caused by those who value personal gain, money, status, power, position etc. ( like that will last!) more than they value trust. Everyone gets stung in their life at one point or another by those who can't be trusted. What would the world be like if everyone could be trusted, WOW! It is a choice. Trust is a Biggy and We thank God for friends like Brian and Julie that we can trust. Trustworthiness is Honorable! They are truthful and you can count on them telling the truth! They know you "reap what you sow", and "get what you give," They are givers and are a blessing to us and those that enter their lives!!!
I love their discipline and willingness to seek their truth from the Bible. Brian is an early morning person and every morning he reads his bible first thing! I love the way God works in the lives of those that love and seek him. Julie has recently shared some amazing things lately, that God is showing her, I am soooo excited about this because of her desire to learn the truth! I hope those of you who know her will ask her about this. They have a lot of friends, because they are trustworthy, honest, humble, and incredibly hospitable! There is no question they are "true friends" because they show it by their actions. All of you readers that have been to their house, know you feel right at home! They are tremendous servers, willing to help in any way. Brian is a great cook, and Julie is famous for her brownies!(we like to talk about food!) they both are very accommodating and make you feel welcome in their home, always! They are over comers and confront issues with the heart of doing the right thing! Definitely, Honorable! Julie is very orderly and organized, I surely can learn a lot from her! We have so many great times together as couples laughing and sharing our lives even though we are miles apart when we get together we don't want to leave!
We are so grateful for our great memories and continue to build and grow together. We have had our share of common struggles together, which has been a huge blessing for us because, those who suffer together, grow together!
So then, those who suffer according to God's will should entrust their souls to their faithful Creator and continue to do what is good. (1Peter 4:19)
They are both gracious and generous! We are thankful for the year they let our daughter finish her school year, to remain with her friends, and helped her prepare for "another family move"! This meant the world to us, in helping with the transition.
Thank you both again for your love and generosity!
Did I mention Julie was organized and orderly, and patient too; and is NOT technically challenged (like Me, Ha!), this really has been a true blessing to me as you might imagine. Again, I owe Julie a "GREAT BIG THANK YOU!" for all your help! When I got the idea to start my own blog, I knew what I wanted to do and she was excited and very encouraging, and a great big help along with John of course to make it happen and continue to be! If it wasn't for those two, this blog would definitely not be in existence.
Julie really is creative and loves taking pictures and don't take my word for it go to her blog, check it out you will love it! It is fun and creative!
I have gotten to know some of her family and just love them. I have read her brothers blog also. Once you have met them especially her parents, you then know why Julie is so special, and the values she has been brought up with is priceless! It is what has helped make her the beautiful person she is! Her mom even has a blog! We were talking together and she shared with me about her helping her mom getting her blog started, and how well she caught on! We laughed because it was her loving way of telling me I could do it too!!!
I know I have shared many things with you all, and hope that you get the chance to experience the love and joy of the friendship with Brian and Julie as we have!
Thanks for being true friends, that we can Honor, and Cherish, Respect, and Love! Thanks for having the strength in Character and listening to your consciences and not hardening your hearts, it makes it a lot easier to sleep, doesn't it! ( like Pharaoh's hard heart; what an amazing story!) We appreciate you both, and are looking forward to a blessed life together.
Live Life Inspired, Live Life Free!
Love, John and Melanie
Monday, January 26, 2009
Raquel is an awesome lady, and a true friend, that I am so grateful for! As some of you may or may not know, and others that have taken the time to care enough to call and check or send a card or text to Raquel already know, but some of you don't know she has been sick for almost a year! It started with a back ache, and she did the logical thing and started going to a Chiropractor, which lead to another, then another, yep 3 chiropractors later (don't get me started HA! IT'S NOT FUNNY!) from the back ache it lead to other symptoms that got progressively worse. It ended up in the worst stages that she completely lost her voice, couldn't breath (scary!) and she has been to many Doctors, including the ER, and finally she is getting well!!! I know she isn't completely out of the woods but it has been miraculous over the last week, she is gaining her energy, has her voice back and can actually BREATH! She is an incredible friend of mine and I know she has been through a lot over the last year, a lot that was unnecessarily induced stress!! She was told she has "stress induced asthma", Hmm... imagine that! Her vitamin D was dangerously low and because of all the medications it caused some other complications that I know she will continue to heal from. Her dad's illness hasn't been easy on their family either. She finally found someone to really check things out and I know both her and Mark are grateful they finally have some answers and she is starting to recover! Those of you that have or would pray for Raquel, please keep praying for her to completely heal!
Those of you who know Raquel, know her determination, persistence, energy and enthusiasm are truly contagious, and inspiring! She can and has outworked most people I know! She and Mark have built large communities of people with an incredible heart and love for people!!! Her servant attitude and willingness to continue through all the adversity, is undeniably inspiring, and proves they have a winning spirit!! Raquel has a tremendous innocence, and tenderness to her heart, that others are blessed by, including me! She continues to stay vulnerable, and has an unbelievable willingness to learn with excitement! She is intelligent and quickly applies what she learns, almost verbatim! Mark and Raquel both have been through tremendous struggles but they can and have the will and desire to overcome! She has a positive and confident will, that reminds me of an email I recently received: where the women gets out of bed and the devil says" "Oh Crap! She is up!!" This is the true spirit of Raquel, there will be no one or anything that will keep her from what God has planned for her! She is trusting and growing in God continually! Doesn't matter if anyone or circumstance intentionally tries to hold her back, those that really know Raquel, know that won't happen!! Those that think otherwise, don't know her at all!! Her determination to serve others unconditionally, is in incredibly selfless and is worth honoring!!
Although a lot of their struggles have been frustrating she has also learned so much of what really is important and valuable in life, and is grateful for the lessons! Although she has shared many of her valuable lessons she has learned with me, it will be her choice to share those with others. Her strong faith in God and her relentless will, undoubtedly will move her forward and allow her to become the person God created her to be! We feel blessed and honored to call Mark and Raquel, true friends! I love her like a sister, and know that God has a plan to prosper their lives!
Love, John, Melanie, Family & Friends!
If anyone would feel moved to comment or send a card, or special note of encouragement, please act on that.... the more love you share with others, the more love you will receive!!
Anyone wanting to send her a card and want her address give me a call.
Friday, January 23, 2009
To Honor My Amazing Husband!

I did want to share with him and anyone who reads this, just what kind of Man he really is! I have to begin with thanking God, because I know he was hand-picked especially for me!
I love and respect so many things about him! The real reason I fell in love with him well, besides God's providence, is the humility he has always displayed. He has always amazed me with this. And if you have been around the opposite, you know exactly what I am talking about! What a great example for me, our children and everyone who is privileged to be around him! I have never seen him brag about himself, and so many things I have seen him accomplish! He doesn't try and impress people with his knowledge, wisdom or anything else. He is not prideful and arrogant and reminds others what he learns from them. He is very genuine and encourages others strengths. Arrogance and Big Ego's(those that have to tell you how good and smart they are; aren't that smart or good) that has never impressed me, but his humility inspires me! He has never had to be "the guy" or have "the credit", even when he deserves it and I love that about him!
I have always loved his sense of humor, he has been blessed definitely with this trait and it is also inherited. His dad was so much the same in many ways. All that know him know this about him. It shows up clearly in the Happy Birthday Blog he wrote for me, he is a blast!
Another amazing piece of him, that I love and respect dearly, is his compassion, fairness, and desire to help and serve others! What a rare trait and choice he makes especially in the world where many will do what- ever it takes to take from others to serve themselves! He has an abundance of emotional intelligence, and it shows! He is not jealous, revengeful or hateful, even when others are jealous, revengeful and hateful to him! How many people do you know that practices turning the other cheek! He sees no point in playing childish petty games with others lives, he says what he means and means what he says, he is mature in his ways, and stands firm in what he believes! He forgives and moves on! He shows maturity and respect to all! He is such rare air to me!
I also love that he is comfortable being in his own skin, he knows himself well, and the only person he desires to be like is Christ! He knows he was made in the image of God, so much of him is an example of who Christ is, I could ask for no more! Nothing or no one even compares! I love that about him! I love listening to him talk about what he learns from the bible with our children, family, and his friends.
God gave him a very special mind, that he does not squander! His ability to use his mind and heart together to think through problems and solve them is nothing shy of amazing to me! His love for learning and using what he learns is a treasure in itself! He has amazing idea's that he never takes the credit for!
He is the greatest listener and has the patience of an Angel, who always respects others and makes you feel important! He listens intently! What great traits to have! These also are the traits his mother has! This is such a true blessing to all!
He is courageous, nothing to fear, except God, and never has he played the victim. He has told me stories when he was a young boy, growing up with 3 brothers (those of you with kids will relate) children tend to blame the others, so it becomes a discerning challenge sometimes, anyway, they would wear their mother down( as we mom's can relate!) til his mom would finally say, "wait til your dad gets home!" well, when dad came home, most children would forget, but not mom! ha! so they would receive a spankin, yep believe it or not! The most amazing thing ! John would tell me he deserved it! What??!!! Who would ever admit, no way when they have 3 other brothers to blame it on, HA!, just kidding but I am not kidding about John never playing the victim! He is way more mature than that. He takes responsibility and admits when he is wrong and changes what he needs to! He is not a "Justifier" or "Manipulator", he does what is right, regardless of the consequences!! He is amazing!I love his strong believe in God and doing the right thing! He is rock solid and will not sell his soul for anything, not personal gain, nor money, nor anything else. He stands strong in his love for God and knows eternity is his final destination.
He is extremely loyal to His love for God, me, our children, family and friends! He doesn't lie, steal or cheat ( not only is it a huge pet peeve, it is Gods commandments).
I want to thank you John, for being everything I've mentioned here and more! You are inspiration to me in so many ways and love learning from you! It is my honor to be your wife and I pray that I can love, respect, sacrifice with joy in my heart, and fulfill you in every way. I thank you so much for all your love, kindness, and desire to be more like Christ! I love and respect you for being the best dad you can be! I thank you for choosing me as your wife, and want to be everything you've dreamed of, because you are everything I have dreamed of!
I will love you for the rest of my life! I desire to love and fulfill God's purpose in our lives and know we will! I look forward to the journey in this lifetime together! I am grateful for our journey together and know it hasn't always been easy, but also know the greatest challenges God has given us always has and always will catapult us into God's will and destiny for our lives together! Thank You for being a Man that I can Honor! Thank You for Being You and Thank You for letting me be me! Thank You for your patience you show to me! You are my Gift from God, and I pray I will give you all you desire in a wife and more! I Love You for who you are and what you stand for! You are the "sparkle" in my eye!
I love you with all my heart!
P.S. To all you readers that now know a piece of the man I love, honor and cherish, if you would like to love, honor or cherish, anyone, please do reply we would love to share in that with you!
Great Big Thanks To All You Shining Stars!!!
First, I have to share with all of you what it felt like to have a day that was just amazing because all of you! I want to THANK YOU ALL, for the postings, voice mails, phone calls, cards and text messages!! You are all SHINING STARS in my life, and you light up my world!! I hope by God's grace you will feel the thankfulness in my heart to each of you for the genuine friendship and love you display, not just to me but I know to everyone that is in your lives, and crosses your paths, because Genuine people just do that, you all have touched my life in a Genuine way! I know you are all "True Friends" (if John ever lets me back in here that could be a very special topic, that I would love to share my experiences through many years and friends on this planet!). You are all "True Friends", not because you tell me but because you show me!!! You need say nothing, when there is Truth in your actions!
The most important thing I wanted to share with all of you was the Love I felt from each of you. This is the Best thing of all! I am so thankful that God chose all of you to reveal his Amazing Presence in my life!
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because GOD IS LOVE" (1 John 4:8)! and "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." (1 John 4:18).
Be Strong and Courageous, Do Not Fear(Joshua 1:9) There are two places to operate from, "out of fear" where everything and everyone controls you or "out of love" when someone like me will feel Gods presence because of the love! Thank you for choosing Love! I Choose Love! Loose anything that is not of Love!
"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."!!!
So, I thank all of you for Being YOU, and I thank GOD for creating you individually and uniqiuely, showing himself to me through you! Wow how Blessed I AM! Keep being true to yourselves, and being your true selves and I know the world will be blessed by all of you! Thank You for honoring me on a day that wouldn't have "Shined and Sparkled" without YOU ALL! Thank You, you have all touched my heart with your humor, love, and kindness!
Keep on Shining and being the light of the world for all to see God's Love!You are Amazing!!!
God Bless, and I pray I will give back more than I receive, to you all.
I Love You All! Live Life Inspired! Live Life Free!
P.S. I know there were some other Birthdays recently that I would love to honor those: My Aunt Pat, Julie Rodman, Laurie Rehbein, and Elsa Voss, I know I am forgetting some but let us know your birthdays, so we can Honor You! So if you would be so kind to send us your Birthdays! Happy, Happy Birthday to you all!
Here`s a link to John`s Blog so you can read the original of this posting and see the comments.