Sunday, March 8, 2009


I have became very interested in Holistic Healing, Natural, Nutrition, and different Healing Modalities because of my own experience of becoming extremely ill over the last 4 years. I was diagnosed and treated for Graves disease, (Hyper Thyroid). As I look back it was even before then my body was providing signs to something going wrong,(a few years before I had a gallbladder attack and had that removed) and although I was getting regular check ups and asking the questions, it wasn't taken seriously, to dig to find the root cause. More symptoms surfaced and my health began to rapidly deteriorate. This was the beginning of the rose colored glasses being not just broken and shattered, they were crushed! It appeared, the right things were being taken care of but what I discovered was conventional medicine is not interested in the root cause, the cure, or total restoration, they only diagnose and treat the symptoms and PRESCRIBE MANY LEGALIZED DRUGS! How did I miss this my whole life?!! This makes no sense to me! I am not one to take medication, I would rather find the healthy natural route! This was a huge disappointment and needless to say a huge eye opener! I felt I was being deceived, paying thousands of dollars for testing, that brought zero results to my wellness, and not one doctor seemed to care to find the solution, with the exception of some friends, that are Doctors in Wisconsin that was a huge blessing to me! But because of the distance it wasn't feasible to travel that far. I am forever grateful for their free help, advise and concern! What is frightening, is that millions of people are paying billions of dollars to be treated and there is more cancer, heart disease, obesity, auto-immune disease, stroke, ADD, ADHD,Autism, and many more, and the most disturbing is the number of people dieing from taking their prescription drugs (AS PRESCRIBED!), than ever before in history! Nothing can be solved without finding the Root Cause!! I don't believe the answer is more drugs, it is common sense that if you put legal or illegal foreign substances into your body, it will eventually, cause many ill effects( just check out the side-effects) and even death! I was amazed to discover the amount of chemicals added to our foods! Check out what is most advertised; "Prescription Drugs and Food (shocking how much chemicals in our food)!" I am not against doctors, or the health care, and definitely not against Food! "In view of this, I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both before God and before men (ACTS 24:16).

But why do you suppose anyone doing business would leave out, what to me is the most important information, for the paying consumer? Why wouldn't anyone share the information that would help others make better informed choices? I would feel more informed and more willing to buy from those who are honest, wouldn't you? What is so hard about sharing the truth? I read in a book recently, "The worst lie you can tell, is the lie you tell yourself'." Why do you think some information is kept from others?! Get the facts. My rule of thumb is, if there is hidden information, in anything you are dealing with and those with the answers will not give you an honest answer, for me, then it is time to disregard it! Ask questions, from those who give honest answers and learn more about what "they say you need". God gave you a sound mind! I am a "Why" person! It doesn't take a genius to figure out when someone is trying to sell for their benefit, we all know this! It always goes back to the "Golden Rule"! Just a thought! You might say, they are sharing the harmful side-effects, but we all know the masses believe and trust those promoting and prescribing and "This they know, this is their business, to know what sells!" EDUCATE YOURSELF! Seems like there is so much more hidden, that I am discovering, rather than just being honest and doing the right thing. Hmm.. seems to be a mystery, NOT! Another huge lesson! The key is to learn and educate yourself, ask questions and find credible sources you can trust! Their are people who really care! I believe there is many professionals and proven natural methods that actually get the results we are looking for! There are a lot of good and honest people in business and the world who pour their heart in soul into doing the right thing, that is who I look for! It is absolutely amazing to me how much knowledge and proven methods that there are that bring remarkable results! God gave us everything we needed to sustain, healthy long lives, with the food He provided here on earth! It starts here: "You Are What You Eat", scary for most of us, I know! Watch this informative video, FOOD MATTERS!

I also believe there is a lot of unnecessary deaths, and that to me is an outrage! For example, my mom came to visit me last year and I had to take her to two different Emergency rooms, where she almost died due to the Prescription drugs that was given to her by her Doctor! All 3 specialists told us it was because of the medication!Now, WHY WOULD HER DOCTOR GIVE HER SOMETHING THAT IS GOING TO KILL HER? These 3 Doctors knew it! She spent 3 days in the Hospital and was immediately taken off the medication because it caused internal bleeding!! Why?!! What if it were your mom?Can't imagine why I get so passionate about the truth!!! Unbelievable! Maybe some of it is pride but more telling is the amount of money generated through prescriptions, testing, and the whole gamut of charges related to every ill person who is seeking better health or trying to stay alive! Hmm.. ISN'T IT ALWAYS ABOUT THE MONEY?! Do we really need billions of dollars worth of Drug Ads? I could think of some amazing charities that could be blessed with all this money! Do you think if money was taken out of the equation, the processes would be the same?! Not against business making money, but isn't it "FIRST DO NO HARM?" I think all would agree, if it would cure, heal, and get the results we all are looking for, it would then be worth it! Since, I began to study and research, to find answers to my own wellness,( to prevent my death, yes it was that immobilizing) I had numerous serious symptoms and sleeping about 18 hours per day. Thank God for my Amazing Husband and children that did what-ever it took to hold everything together, when I couldn't!!! It was definitely a challenge and I know they all feared, I wouldn't make it! My youngest daughter still gets really emotional, and will tell me she doesn't want me to die! I do not fear, my time is in the hands of God, but I wondered, at times, due to the lack of quality of life I had during this time if it wasn't the end for me. God built me to be high energy, and put in my heart to love and serve people, and I questioned, how will I serve others if I cannot stay awake to take care of myself and my family, let alone others! How could I serve my purpose? I would get fatigued from taking a shower and would have to lay down and wake up four hours later! I saw 6 different doctors and thousands of dollars worth of tests to tell me there was nothing wrong!!! Anyone in there right mind, knows THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! So, I began to search for the truth and through this experience I have acquired a deep desire and have tremendous compassion to help others heal, mind, body, and soul, they all work together! One of the biggest lessons I learned through this event; "Balance",(whole other story!) ( BIG LESSON!) Conventional Medicine, to put it mildly, was a dead end! It became extremely frustrating to never get any answers, and after thousands of dollars in tests, to this day, I haven't gotten any answers, from the medical doctors about what caused me to become so ill. I have made many changes to help myself and am determined to find the solutions! I have ready many books, searched the Internet (what a awesome tool!) and have seen and talked to people I have trusted and found out some real truths. Interesting, some of what I have done, and found to improve my health, my doctors, that I was paying!! Didn't try or even suggest! I am still on my journey, and I don't know what God's Plan for me is through this process, but He does nothing in vain, and I am sure it will unfold. There are no coincidences, and if it is like any of the other adversities that I have experience, and the lessons learned from them, it will be revealed over time, and I always know it is for God's greater good to serve others for His purpose!

One of the things I have found to help on my journey to wellness, is: MONAVIE AN AMAZING PRODUCT, Comprised of 19 fruits from around the world including the Acai Berry, from the Amazon Rain Forest! Research it and find the Value for yourself! Nutritionally it is amazing and produces the Health and Wellness I was looking for! I noticed immediate results within the first 3 days of drinking it! If you have suffered, are frustrated and are seeking answers to your Health concerns, like I am, you definitely want to check it out on the link above. I love the Story of MonaVie, but my favorite part is THE MORE PROJECT, it's no wonder why it is a billion dollar Company!!!

Its nutritional value is not surprising to me since God is the one who created it!

I am forever grateful for what I am learning, all the love and support from friends and family who cared! All the flowers, cards, concerns and love, THANK YOU ALL! I am so grateful for the Mona Vie Product and Company, which has helped our family through some tough times! I received so many blessings and lessons through my darkest trials of being ill. I am grateful for my loving Husband John and children who lived through it daily, and were my saving grace during this time! Most of all, God has given me life, lessons, and drew me even closer to Him! I am looking forward to seeing what this journey will reveal and how I may help others!

I wish you all Health and Wellness in 2009!

Live Life Inspired, Live Life Free, and Full of Love!

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